Role of the Principal in TKVM School
The role of the principal covers many different areas
including leadership,
teacher evaluation, student
discipline, and many others. Being an effective principal is hard work and
is also time-consuming. A good principal is balanced within all their roles and
works hard to ensure that that they are doing what they feel is best for all
constituents involved. Time is a major limiting factor for every
principal. A principal must become efficient at practices such as
prioritizing, scheduling, and organization.
Role as a School Leader
A school principal is
the primary leader in a school building. A good leader always leads by example.
A principal should be positive, enthusiastic, have their hand in the day to day
activities of the school, and listen to what their constituents are saying. An
effective leader is available to teachers, staff members, parents, students, and
community members. Good leaders stay calm in difficult situations, thinks
before they act, and puts the needs of the school before themselves. An
effective leader steps up to fill in holes as needed, even if it isn’t a part
of their daily routine.
Role in Student Discipline
A large part of any school principal’s job is to handle student
discipline. The first step of having effective
student discipline is to make sure that your teachers know what you are
expecting when it comes to student discipline. Once they understand how you
want them to handle it, then your job becomes easier. The discipline
issues you deal will mostly come from teacher referrals. There
are times that this can take a large part of the day.
A good
principal will listen to all sides of an issue without jumping to
conclusions collecting as much evidence as you can. A principal role in student
discipline is much like that of a judge and a jury. You decide whether the
student is guilty of a disciplinary infraction and what penalty should be
enforced. An effective principal always documents discipline issues, makes fair
decisions, and informs parents when necessary.
Role as a Teacher Evaluator
Most principals also are responsible for evaluating their
teachers’ performance following district and state guidelines. An effective
school has to have effective
teachers and the
teacher evaluation process is in place to make sure that the
teachers in your building are effective. Evaluations should be fair and well
documented pointed out both strengths and weaknesses.
as much quality time in your classrooms as possible. Gather information each
time you visit, even if it is just for a few minutes. Doing this allows the
evaluator to have a larger collection of evidence of what actually goes on in a
classroom, than a principal who has had minimal visits to a classroom. A good evaluator always lets their teachers know
what their expectations are and then offers suggestions for improvement if
those expectations are not being met.
Role in Developing, Implementing, and
Evaluating Programs
Developing, implementing, and evaluating the programs within
your school is another large part of a school principal’s role. A principal
should always be looking for ways to improve the student experience at school.
Developing effective programs that cover a variety of areas is one way to
ensure this. It is acceptable to look at other schools in your area and to
implement those programs within your own school that have proved to be
effective elsewhere. Programs within your school should be evaluated every year
and tweaked as necessary. If your reading program has become stale and your
students are not showing much growth, then it may be necessary to review the
program and make some changes to improve the quality of that program.
Role in
Reviewing Policies and Procedures
An individual school’s governing document is their student
handbook. A principal should have their stamp on the handbook. A principal
should review, remove, rewrite, or write policies and procedures every year as
needed. Having an effective
student handbook can improve the quality of education your students
receive. It can also make a principal’s job a little easier. The principal’s
role is to make sure students, teachers, and parents know what these policies
and procedures are and to hold each individual accountable for following them.
Role in Schedule Setting
Creating schedules every year can be a daunting task. It can
take some time to get everything to fall into its proper place. There are many
different schedules in which a principal may be required to create including a
bell schedule, duty schedule, computer lab schedule, library schedule, etc.
Cross checking each of those schedules to ensure that you are not putting too
much on any one person at once can be difficult.
With all the scheduling you have to do, it is almost impossible
to make everyone happy with their schedules. For example some teachers like
their plan first thing in the morning and others like them at the end of the
day, but it is not impossible to accommodate all of them. It is probably best
to create the schedule without trying to accommodate anyone. Also, be prepared
to make adjustments to your schedules once the year begins. You need to be
flexible because there are times that there are conflicts you did not foresee
that need to be changed.
Role in Hiring
New Teachers
A vital part of any school administrator’s job is to hire
teachers and staff that are going to do their job correctly. Hiring the wrong
person can cause you huge headaches down the line while hiring the right person
makes your job easier. The interview process
is extremely important when hiring
a new teacher. There are many factors that play into a person being a good
candidate for you to hire. Those include teaching knowledge, personality,
sincerity, excitement towards the profession, etc.
Once you have interviewed all your candidates, then it is
equally important to call their references to get a feel for what the people
who know them think they would do. After this process, you might narrow it down
to your best 3-4 candidates and ask them to come back for a second interview.
This time, ask the assistant
principal, another teacher, or the superintendent to
join you so that you can have another person’s feedback in the hiring process.
Once you have completed this process, then rank your candidates accordingly and
offer the person you think would be best for the position. Always be sure to
let candidates you did not hire know that the position has been filled.
Role in Parent
and Community Relations
Having good relations with parents and community members can
benefit you in a variety of areas. If you have built trusting relationships
with a parent whose child has a discipline issue, then it makes it easier to
deal with the situation if the parent supports the school and your decision.
The same holds true for the community. Building relationships with individuals and
businesses in the community can help your school out tremendously. Benefits
include donations, personal time, and overall positive support for your school.
It is a vital part of any principal’s job to nurture their relationships with
parents and community members.
Role in Delegating
Many leaders by nature have a hard time putting things in others
hands without their direct stamp on it. However, there is so much that has to
be done, that it is vital that a school
principal delegates some duties as necessary. Having people around
you that you trust implicitly will make this easier. An effective school
principal simply does not have enough time to do everything that needs done by
themselves. They must rely on other people to assist them with getting things
done and trust that they are going to do the job well.
Functions of a principal at an elementary, middle or high school are similar, whether the setting is public or private.
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